In The News

Leading the Way in Financial Excellence

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Connor Malatesta’s journey reveals a story of determination, expertise, and strategic vision.

CPA Career Paths Channel is your ultimate resource for valuable tips, advice, and guidance on accounting and the path to becoming a Certified Public Accountant (CPA). Rosey Flaherty, CPA, MSA

Two MICPA Members Selected to Attend AICPA’s 2022 Leadership Academy

MICPA members Mathew S. Kidd, CPA, PFS, Blunden & Kidd Accounting and Consulting and Connor Green Malatesta, CPA, CITP, Markoff & Malatesta CPAs and Advisors were among just 36 CPAs honored by the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) as a member of the Leadership Academy’s 14th graduating class. Matthew and Connor were selected based on their exceptional leadership skills and professional experience for the four-day Leadership Academy program, which will be held Oct. 23-27, 2022.

Share File Article | Managing growth with technology

“It’s drag and drop, which is fantastic,” Matthew said. “ShareFile couldn’t be any easier for a client. Even my mother can do it, and that’s saying a lot!”

Manual processes and disconnected digital tools often lead to accounting and bookkeeping mistakes that can cost money, time, and clients. Markoff & Malatesta CPAs PLLC use ShareFile and Podio to help maintain their clients files and organize, track, and prioritize their clients projects. The tools help them receive and deliver client information and returns seamlessly and electronically, which leads to both high management and customer satisfaction. They can now offer a customized experience without increasing complexity for the team or for the client.

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